John is a 1994 graduate of the Indiana University School of Business with a degree in Finance / Real Estate where he found his passion for the Hoosiers and their up and down success on the court. John began his career in real estate in 1994, working in the southern Indiana market through 2000. During this period he focused on the valuation of all types of commercial properties and obtained the MAI designation. He started Good Valuation in 2000 and moved back to his family home in Northeast Indiana, later expanding the companies services to include consulting in reviews, investments and general business matters. He was recognized by former Governor Pence to serve on the Certification Appeals Board for the State of Indiana from 2015 to 2018.
In 2022, John was elected by the Hoosier State Chapter of the Appraisal Institute as a regional representative. He is also serving as the general guidance chair for the state of Indiana.
John was awarded the MAI designation in 2000, the AI-GRS designation in 2018, AI-RRS designation in 2021, and the SRA designation in 2023 from the Appraisal Institute. The MAI designation is held by appraisers who are experienced in the valuation of commercial, industrial, multi unit residential, and other types of properties, and who advise clients on real estate investment decisions. The AI-GRS designation is held by professionals who can provide appraisal reviews for commercial properties. The AI-RRS designation is held by professionals who provide reviews of residential appraisals. The SRA membership designation is held by professionals who provide a wide range of services for residential properties related to providing opinions of value, evaluations, reviews, consulting, and advice regarding investment decisions.
MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, and AI-RRS designated members of the Appraisal Institute have met thorough requirements including continuing education, courses, testing, 4,500 hours of experience and demonstration of knowledge, understanding and ability. In addition, all members have outstanding character as measured by their peers.
My Specialties
Where I focus:
Appraisal Review
I enjoy working with other appraisers to solve valuation problems. All appraisers have different opinions. Working with them to figure out the best approach to solve a valuation issue is much better than dictating how it should be done.
I have a great deal of experience in working with clients to maximize their real estate investment. This comes from value engineering, demand / supply analysis, and investment evaluations.
I have over 25 years of experience in appraising all types of commercial, residential and agricultural properties in the midwest.